AWA Chat

The encrypted chat channel accessible to all

Share secure communication channels with your partners

Screenshot of AWA Call application

Create a channel and share a secure link

Exchange on a dedicated channel reserved for your confidential conversations

Share high-level security with ease

Open the AWA SDE

Data protection is essential in today's digital environment. As a company, you must ensure your communication security. Traditional messaging systems don't always offer a sufficient level of protection, while highly secure solutions require your partners to have the same tool as you. In a world where threats are high and flexibility and speed are paramount, it is essential to have secure tools that are easy to use by everyone and with everyone.

With AWA-Chat we enable you to create highly secure, easy-to-use communication channels accessible to all without compromising security.

The most simple and secure live chat generator on the market

On-demand chat channels available for your chosen duration

Volatile channels, accessible by invitation only

Secure connection of all participants

Available on all your devices via the browser

No installation required for your counterparts

Unlimited number of channels and participants per organizer/host. Live exchange only for the moment. Coming soon: asynchronous exchange and directory.

A user-friendly solution with no pain high-security

Short, isolated exchanges

Whether with your clients, partners or citizens, it is sometimes necessary to ensure the confidentiality of your conversations. Establish a secure channel with them.

Project team

You need a tool to share between team members, with external partners to secure. Share a secured communication space for the duration of your project.

Crisis management

Your usual tools are compromised or unusable. You need to enlist your teams and external stakeholders quickly and easily while benefiting from high-level security. Be reactive and take advantage of the ease of use of AWA-Chat.

Complete multipoint end-to-end encryption for truly confidential communications

Secure connection with strong authentication

Anonymous and encrypted multipoint data flows (Photos - Videos - Data)

Complete multipoint end-to-end encryption in AES256 CTR (A different encryption key for each message)

Real-time encryption and decryption locally only

Encryption key held exclusively by you (no trusted third-party)

Unique ID without metadata and uncorrelated from your contact information

Autonomous and browser-independent encryption (AwaCloud technology works outside the WebRTC module and independently of the encryption provided by the browser)

No tracking on AwaCloud servers. No telecommunication operator.