AWA Encrypt

Encryption within everyone's reach

Screenshot of AWA Call application

Data security is more important than ever and there's no need to remind you of the recent scandals that have shown just how crucial it is to encrypt your files.

Encrypting your files can be a daunting process, with complex options and tools that are not always accessible.

However, it is indispensable to take the steps to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your personal, professional, or confidential information.

AWA-Encrypt is a simple and quick tool that we make available to everyone to encrypt your files and protect your professional and personal data.

Free utility. OFFERED by AwaCloud.

Local end-to-end encryption in AES256 CTR

One of the most robust encryption available currently.

The service is accessible online for the first time and then available offline without a user account

Local encryption and decryption on your devices only

An encryption key derived from the password used for your file

You define a password for the file. It is then automatically used by AWA-Encrypt to encrypt and decrypt your file

A solution compatible with all devices (PC, tablets, smartphones)

Encrypt your data every time you need to, regardless of the device you're using.

Free password

There are no limits to your imagination as long as you remember it, because that's the only way to decrypt your file later.

Keep your passwords safe.

Sharing is always possible with your partners

Decryption is performed locally on your recipient's hardware with AWA-Encrypt and the password you set for the file that you'll transfer to them. Think to send the file and its password separately.

If your recipient is using AWA-Encrypt for the first time, tell him where he can find it (on this page, or in the AwaCloud website banner).

AWA-Encrypt is a simple and effective tool that does not interfere with your habits

AWA-Encrypt creates a .awa encrypted version of your file

Your original file remains available in plain text on your device.

The .awa file generated by AWA-Encrypt is available for download in your browser. Remember to download it.

From there, you decide how you want to use both of these files.

A tool available whenever you need it

You can always encrypt or decrypt an .awa wherever you are.

Online or offline, you can always use AWA-Encrypt on all your devices. Very useful for your travels, unexpected needs, or simply to protect your data. In the latter case, do not store together your clear files and their encrypted versions in .awa.

And most importantly, don't forget your passwords.