AWA Locker

Beyond just a secure file transfer system

Share your files quickly and securely

Screenshot of AWA Call application

Create a secure file locker for as long as needed. It will automatically be deleted when the files are received or the duration limit is reached.

Drag and drop your files. They are encrypted on the fly without any action from you.

Share a secure link and password with your contacts. They can then download and decrypt your files to their local devices.

And if you need to add or remove a file, that's still possible as long as the locker is active.

Our solution is designed to handle all file sizes, including very large ones. The only limit is your need (from 1Mo to 128To).

Speed? Very fast. Test it out and see for yourself.

Try it out for free. You're our guest!

For a first test, we're providing you with a 250Mo locker to transfer your files to your chosen recipients.

No need for a free account. No personal information is required.

Secure your file transfers with virtual lockers

Create secure virtual lockers to store and share your files quickly, efficiently, and confidentially.

Ephemeral secure virtual locker for each transfer made.

Accessible on all your devices through a browser, no installation required for your recipients.

User account accessible on all your devices from an internet connection.

By using our solution, you easily share your files securely and confidentially, without fear of piracy or unauthorized access.

Take control of your file transfers

AWA-Locker benefits from SDE-AWA technology

Fast and easy transfer

Drag and drop function for quick transfers

Automatic on-the-fly encryption and decryption (no user intervention required)

Fast upload and download time, encryption / decryption

Quick access icon on your home screens

Active locker management interface

Secure link transfer + password to anyone

Coming soon: one-click transfer between application owners and corporate directory

High security

No third-party: you are the only one to hold the encryption key

Local encryption and decryption only

Data deletion upon transfer reception or on parameterized timer directly in the user account

Complete end-to-end encryption and compression in AES256 CTR

Secure link exchange with strong authentication

Anonymous flow with unique identifier without metadata

Temporary storage on AwaCloud server without decryption

Valued corporate image

Your logo, your colors, your background

Flexible deployment

Online service on AwaCloud server hosted by OVH

Online service on dedicated servers managed by AwaCloud

Coming soon,

Upload resumption, because there's nothing worse than having to start all over from scratch.

Two-way sharing: your recipients can use the locker you created for them to exchange files with you while enjoying the same level of security.